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Academic Positions

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies 

Centre College

Danville, KY


Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies 

Centre College

Danville, KY


Asssistant Professor of Philosophy


California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Pomona, CA

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Studies and Philosophy

Bowdoin College

Brunswick, ME




“Why We Care About Who Athletes Are: On the Uniqueness of Athletic Achievement” (2022) The Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (2) DOI:

“Valuing Out of Context” (2022), Environmental Values 31 (4) DOI:

“Mitigating Loss for Persons Displaced by Climate Change through the Framework of the Warsaw Mechanism” (2017) Ethics, Policy & Environment 20 (2) DOI:

“Environmental Justice, Political Agency, and the Challenge of Creating Healthier Communities” (2016) Environmental Values 25 (6) DOI:

“Who? Narrativity, Moral Condemnation, and Performance-Enhancing Drugs” (2015) Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3) 

Book Reviews

Anna Wienhues, Ecological Justice and the Extinction Crisis: Giving Living Beings Their Due, Environmental Ethics (2023)


Roger Gottlieb, Morality and the Environmental Crisis, Ethics, Policy, and Environment (2022)


Stephanie Collins, Group Duties, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2020)


Finn, Case, Underwood, and Zuck, The Philosophy Skills Book, Teaching Philosophy (2013)

Works Under Review


“Valuing Valuers: Rapid Climate Change and Expanding Accountability to the ‘Radically Other’” (R&R at The Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics)

In Progress


Resilient Selves (book)

“Philosophical Approaches to Just Transition” (Special Issue of Ethics, Policy & Environment)

“Community, Place, and Relocation”

“Deliberative Approaches to Climate Migration”

 “Narrative Identity and Moral Obligation”


Ph.D. in Philosophy 

University of California, Riverside


“Modeling Environmental Justice: A Normative Framework for Healthier Communities”

Committee: Carl F. Cranor (Chair), David A. Eastmond, David K. Glidden, and Andrews Reath

M.A. in Philosophy, 2005

University of California, Santa Cruz


“Recovering Philosophy: Adorno and the Possibility of Negative Dialectics”

Committee: David C. Hoy and Angela Y. Davis

Hampshire College

B. A. In Interdisciplinary Studies


“Recovering Philosophy: Adorno and the Possibility of Negative Dialectics”

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